Example page
This is the text below the heading element.
Hover over the image below to see the tooltip!

Here's some more text.
Alert me!
Text for a button
Only one line can be the text of a button, so this is a new container!
Button without text (opens in a new tab, actually a very nice video!)
Bullet list:
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2, this one is very long to illustrate the way the text wraps around for bullet lists, that's why these are better than just simply adding - in front of a normal text line
- Bullet 3
A stray non-bullet line!
- Bullet 4 (actually part of a new bullet list)
- You can have HTML stuff here as well, like to go to the top of the page or to the second image or to send me an email.
This is how you'd create a button element with small text.
And here's some small text in a container.
You found me!
I'm part of a .wfpg file in ../Private, so you can only see me by accessing .wfpg files that imported me!