
Cross-platform program written in C# that launches and watches another executable.

Guide for Wrapper

Repository on GitHub

Main features

  • Managing the console output of the program as a log file with timestamps and a length limit
  • Automatically restarting the program if it exits unexpectedly
  • Managing versions (updating on program restart, rolling back a version to the previous one)
  • Automatically changing the permissions to make the program to be watched executable before starting (Linux only, Windows still needs testing and doesn't really need it and I don't know about macOS)
  • Commands that the watched program can run to manage the wrapper


  • Download a binary for your system from the releases on GitHub (SC means self-contained, FD means framework-dependent so it needs dotnet installed) or build the code yourself
  • Create a folder for the entire application and enter it
  • Create a subfolder Live/ and place the program to be watched in there (this is where the current version is always kept)
  • Create a subfolder Wrapper/ and place the Wrapper binary in there
  • Create a file Wrapper.config according to the guide (see above, at least TargetFile must be set)
  • Execute the Wrapper binary in Wrapper/ (maybe create a service for it)