ReleaseCollector for Visual Studio

Visual Studio extension (VSIX) that publishes your .NET projects for various systems and collects the files in one folder (bin/v... with the highest version number or bin/latest if no version folder was found).

Version for Visual Studio Code

There are significant differences between the VS and VSC version of this extension.

Repository on GitHub

Main features

  • Publishing projects for multiple systems at once without creating any publish profiles
  • Combining releases that use multiple files (like .dll files) into ZIP files (only the case with self-contained builds for Windows using libraries, the rest usually only need a single file)
  • Collecting the releases (either single-file executables or ZIP files) in a single folder, named after the version (if present) and system (example: Wrapper releases on GitHub)


You can find this extension on the Visual Studio marketplace as: ReleaseCollector

Alternatively, you can download the .vsix file from the releases on GitHub and open it to install the extension.


To execute the command, go to: Tools > Publish and collect (if there are multiple projects in your solution, you might need to click on the desired project to select it!)

There are some settings under Tools > Options > ReleaseCollector, those are documented in their description.

Plans for the future

  • Support for libraries (as NuGet packages)
  • Support for MAUI projects
  • Support for Visual Studio extensions